Please read the notice before purchasing to avoid any unnecessary shortcomings or confusion.
It usually takes 2 - 5 working days for the orders to be processed.
However it may take longer if there is a shortage in stock.
In such cases, we will inform you via email so make sure your email address is valid.
Shipping fee is up to the weight, please check here for shipping fee:
Where are the items shipped from?
From Hong Kong🇭🇰

We keep you informed
Once you’ve placed an order, you will receive an Order Acknowledgement email to confirm your order details, including shipping and delivery estimates for each item. Once your item has prepared for shipment and ships, you will receive a Shipment Notification email with carrier and tracking information.
You can always order additional products
if your previous order hasn’t been shipped off yet.
We understand how costly international shipping can be so we want to help you out as much as possible in regards to this issue.
We hope everything you receive from us is of joy and happiness.